American Girl launches new product using video commerce
Looking to own the digital experience for their 2022 “Girl of the Year” announcement, American Girl, through Spark Foundry and Pop Sugar, leveraged Firework technology to host a Livestream on their own digital properties and their media partners' social channels. Through native integrations, the replay of the Livestream was also broadcast across Firework’s publisher partners, delivering additional scale.

1. Great Engagement with Featured Content
The livestream featured engaging content, delivering a 25% engagement rate. Celebrity and figure skating gold medalist Tara Lipinski hosted the livestream, leading the viewers through a quiz and a craft and then conducting a couple of interviews. With Firework’s technology, the peaks and valleys of the viewer engagement were tracked by the minute — highlighting the events with the strongest viewer engagement: the Quiz and the interview with figure skating Olympian, Alyssa Liu.
2. Strong Scaled Viewership
The American Girl Livestream delivered more than 250k in Live and Replay viewers, 11x higher than expectations. The Firework solution is able to deliver a reliable bandwidth with an infrastructure powered by AWS. In addition to American Girl’s outreach and PR, the livestream was supported by the Firework Ad Suite, consisting of targeted programmatic ads and proprietary native publisher integrations. The livestream social simulcast and Firework native integrations with Pop Sugar and Momtastic delivered more than 25% of the livestream views through the first 30 days of the campaign — driving reach and awareness.
3. Product Discovery and Purchase Intent
Six American Girl doll products were pinned and highlighted during the Livestream with a total of 25 products easily available for the viewers to explore and learn more about. The 11% click rate shows strong purchase intent from the livestream audience. The top five most clicked products related directly to featured content such as figure skating, ski patrol, ski lodge, and of course American Girl’s 2022 Girl of the Year doll, Corinne Tan.